Hiring A Logo Designer

Your Logo is important. First impressions are everything, and in many cases, the first impression your potential customers will have with you and your business is your logo. A well-designed logo should be attention grabbing, distinctive, and should convey a sense of professionalism or trustworthiness.

This is why, before you hire a Logo designer, you should spend a little bit of time thinking about the objectives for your new logo.

Generally speaking, it is best to think of your “designer” as a problem solver. You have a business related problem, the logo, which needs to be solved. You need a solution.

Start by asking yourself the question “What is my business about, and what do I want my logo to do?”

Logos convey tone, atmosphere. “What do you want people to associate with your business?”


Mine is a xyz business that does abc, and I need my logo to get my customers to think x and y when they see my logo.

Also, it will be useful to know where the logo is to be displayed eg: on my website, business card, posters, tee-shirts, stickers?

What is the emotional essence of your business and reason for existing (outside just being profitable)?

Do you have a mission statement and/or tagline for your business?

All of these things will help inform your designer’s steps/ approach to designing your logo.

Once you answer these questions, this is essentially “The brief” and we would have enough information to go-off to get things started.

NOTE: there will always be a more extensive Q&A fact-finding type questionnaire when engaging our services.

Next, your designer will conduct some research, do some rough sketches, before fine-tuning as a clean computerized vector graphic etc.

The price then just boils down to various other determining factors: Such as the number of concepts, you want prepared i.e. 1 idea or 2?? (we generally recommend going with two. It’s good to have choice), the number rounds of revision included, and whether you would like mock-ups included etc.

We hope this helps with your decision-making. Let us know if you have any questions. However, remember we will guide you through the process anyway when you engage our services.